Nick Porcaro | Pro4uM Success Story | Making a Million Dollars

Nick Porcaro Success Story Pro4uM

This is the Pro4uM Success Story of Nick Porcaro. As told by him!

This is the Success Story of Nick Porcaro: Ten years ago I was a complete noob to photography and someone I met at a local photography meeting suggested I should check out the ‘Kirk is a nut,’ she told me, ‘but you won’t believe how much you’ll learn in a short amount of time!’

So I plunked down my money and began to read every post I could. I was amazed at how much sharing was going on! And of course I was seeing some incredible work from some incredible photographers.

I spent the next six months reading through old posts and trying to keep up with the newer stuff. Eventually I worked up the nerve to start asking some questions and attended a workshop one of the 4um members was hosting. At the workshop I got to meet some fellow Pro4uM members and spent a weekend building long lasting friendships and filling my brain with all kinds of information.

Not too much later I was photographing my first senior client and worked up the nerve to post some of my initial work. I received a bunch of helpful, constructive criticism about posing, lighting, composition and all kinds of stuff I didn’t even know I needed to know. Stuff I still think about on shoots 10 years later.

But the comment that stuck with me most was Kirk’s. He said, ‘You’re going to make a million dollars in this business’. I laughed to myself reading his comment and showed it to my wife. She laughed harder than I did.

Now, ten years later, I’m about to pass the million dollar mark in total sales since inception some time later this year. If you told me when I first subscribed to the, people would spend a million dollars on my photography, I would have said you were nuts. But here I am. I did it. And it’s all thanks to everything I learned on the and from Kirk, who told me I’d do it.

Nick Porcaro
nFocus Photos

Thank YOU NICK!!!!! Here are some samles of the kind of work Nick does and what he has learned from the and why his such a great Success Story.

Nick Porcaro Pro4uM Success Story Making a Million DollarsNick Porcaro Pro4uM Success Story Making a Million DollarsNick Porcaro Pro4uM Success Story Making a Million DollarsNick Porcaro Pro4uM Success Story Making a Million DollarsNick Porcaro Pro4uM Success Story Making a Million DollarsNick Porcaro Pro4uM Success Story Making a Million Dollars

Nicks Work is Stunning!

As you can see from this Success Story, and from the work that Nick is putting out, he actually did what I said he would do all those years ago. WHY is that the case? Well his success story give it away. He was willing to try, and willing to put in the work.

Are you a struggling Professional Photographer? Have you been trying to connect the dots and get to the point where you and your family can rely on professional photography as a way of making a comfortable living for yourself? The Pro4uM is probably the missing puzzle piece.

Let’s face it, Professional People make whatever they are doing look easy. Have you ever watched a Professional Quarterback, or Golfer, or any sport do what they do? They make it look like ANYONE can do it. But the fact of the matter is that it’s just not that simple. Professionals need to be coached, taught, helped to become the very best that they can be. This is where the Pro4uM comes in.

Have you ever heard the expression, “…iron sharpens iron”? This is what the Pro4uM is. It is a collection of Trained, experienced Professional Photographers from all over the world. Our goal is to make each other better.

The Pro4uM boasts over 2,000,000 posts. It has been around for almost 25 years. That is long, long before their ever was a thing called Facebook Groups. We have a whole bunch of Success Story just like this one of Nick. Do you want to be the next?

The Pro4uM has a very elaborate “Searching” system to allow you to seek out the instruction you are looking for. Do not muddle through Facebook Groups HOPING to find a little nugget or 2. Hoping to be logged in just at the right time when you hope there will be someone talking about something that is going to help you.

Join the Pro4uM today and become the very best Professional Photographer that you can be. WE want to help you with your education and we want you to lean all there is to know about Professional Photography.

Making a Million Dollars is NOT impossible. You could be the next Success Story.

If you think that making a Million Dollars is totally impossible, let me help you see how it really is not that difficult to do. You could be our next Success Story!

Let’s break this down to a 12 year goal. So we divide 1 Million by 12 and we end up with just over $83,000 a year. If you again divide that up into 12 months, you now have $6,944 a month as a goal. This will get you to 1 Million dollars in just 12 years.

OK, see my logic? You have to do this one step at a time. So, how do we get to roughly $7000 a week? Well, first of all, your photography better be good! You have to get close to $2000 a week to pull this off. The better the photography, the better your chances of success.

My first piece of advice if you are going to pull this off is to carefully examine your pricing. I’m pretty sure that if you are just starting out, or maybe if you have been in the business for some time, you are probably pricing your photography too cheap! So, just this one little tip could literally double what you are currently making in Professional Photography.

We have a ton of other advice that is currently on the Pro4uM! So why not take this opportunity to join our family of experts and become the best that you can be.

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