Kirk Movie 01-04-15 | Photo Club | | USA

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What if we were to create some kind of “Photo Club”? Kinda like the American Airlines Admirals Club? What if we were to offer this club to all of our customers for $100? What if we did 500 Customers a year and half took us up on the offer? Well, that would be $100 times 250 for a grade total of $25,000 extra money in our pocket…..sound like a good idea??? WELL, check out the video and let’s talk about it.

This post was made on the Pro4uM 3 years ago…all this time, Pro4uM Paid members have been benefiting from this kind of quality information. Imagine what we have been talking about since?!

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Kirk Movie 01-03-15 | Extra Income Ideas | Pro4uM | USA

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So here is a crazy idea…what if we started doing all the things that others are not interested in doing at weddings??? Making Albums and such. Today’s Wedding photographers only want to shoot and burn. HOWEVER, there is so many other ways of making some money connected with Wedding Photography.

Check out the video here from 2 years ago and let’s talk about it on the If you think this is a great idea, remember, Pro4uM Paid Members got this idea 2 years ago! Can you imagine what other awesome ideas we have talked about since? And what we will be talking about from here on.

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Kirk Movie 01-02-15 | Drones, let’s be legal | USA | Pro4uM

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Here is another video from 2015 about Drones. The cool thing is that all the talk back in 2015 about the 333 exemption got the FAA moving and now you can fly your drone commercially with a test. If you would love to learn more about drone photography and what drone to buy and how to prep the files and make drone images look great, consider joining the The Pro4uM has been around for almost 25 years and we boast over 2 million posts all about Professional Photography. Do yourself and your career a favor and join our community.

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Kirk Movie – 01-01-15 — A Movie Every Day!

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Of course this Kirk Movie says 2015…that is when I made it…but it certainly applies to NOW…today….the question is relevant….So, let’s talk about it…..What do you think??? I will be releasing one of these every day for 1 year! So, why not get involved….talk to me….what are your thoughts. Everyone on the Pro4uM had the awesome ability to get this 3 years ago….CAN you imagine what we are talking about today? YOU SHOULD JOIN!!! check us out: You can join RIGHT NOW for 3 months for only $15….you cannot go wrong.

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Let’s Talk About Posing Hands | by Gary Box | Pro Photography Education

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Posing Hands by Gary Box | Professional Photography Education

This blog post on Posing Hands is a submission by the world famous Gary Box. Gary has some great idea about Posing Hands and some awesome suggestions on the

To see this post about Posing Hands on the Pro4uM, you will need to be a paid member. The post is located in the High School Senior Section. Just Click the Link if you are a Paid Member of the Pro4uM to read this post.

Enjoy this little snippet on Posing Hands, we how it helps you in your professional photography career. We hope you become an expert at Posing Hands.

“Posing Hands” Post from the

Another thread spawned this one. I posted about how a hand pose was not very natural. So I thought I would post a bunch of examples of some of the things we do with hands. First of all, if you don’t have to show them, leave them out. If you have problems posing hands, avoid it.  But you can’t always. So here are some things we do with them:

Posing Hands Gary Box Pro4uM Blog Posing Hands Gary Box Pro4uM Blog

First, if you put them on a hip (which we don’t do a whole lot), I prefer thumbs back and fingers forward, with the wrist DOWN, as if at rest. Or you can place them fingers down more on the back of the hip. I rarely like fingers and thumb all pointing forward. The hand does not rest real well like that, so it is not natural.

More often, we prefer to rest them using a pocket. A thumb or fingers in a pocket is naturally at rest. You can use front pocket or rear, shot from the front or the back. Again, wrist should be down, at rest, the hand is holding it.

Notice the examples of the hand and hands here:

Posing Hands Gary Box Pro4uM Blog Posing Hands Gary Box Pro4uM Blog Posing Hands Gary Box Pro4uM Blog Posing Hands Gary Box Pro4uM Blog

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