Cross Promotions | 02-07-15

I was thinking about advertising. I was thinking specifically free advertising. I recently did this with a local company that produces a magazine. I was allowed to write an article about modeling and what a model wants and this article was put into the magazine. This then evolved to the point where the company promoted me and my photography. What I then did was I made some cards and promoted their business to all of my high school seniors. Thus we generated business for each other. Of course this is called “Cross Promotion”.

This then got me to start thinking about a nice product that H&H Color Lab offers. They have these really nice plastic cards that can be used as gift cards. What I’m thinking about is taking these cards and making a whole cross promotion with other business. They have cards, I have cards, and then we could give these to our customers and the whole promotion could then be really positive for the both of us. Thus that would get both of us extra business.

Ideas like this are always promoted and discussed on the Pro4uM and dissected. We then work out all the kinks and then we figure out what is the best way to do the promotion. Then everyone has great marketing ideas. We want your input on these awesome ideas. So please consider joining the Pro4uM and becoming a part of our family.

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