Perfect Soft Action | 03-04-15

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This video was released over 3 years ago on the Pro4uM. This action is available for download on the Pro4uM. You will not find it posted on YourTube or Facebook. If you want this action, you can get it for as little as $15 by signing up for Pro4uM Access. After you have full access, you can download the the action by logging in then going here:

The action is so awesome because it produces the softest and most “Sellable” skin tones. If you have ever looked at a portrait and wondered how the photographer got the skin so perfect, this is how they do it.

In the video we show you the whole process, from loading the action to editing the images, everything. Even a few tips and tricks along the way.

The cool thing about this action is that it literally runs actions. It a whole bunch of actions all in one that runs and stops and allows you to adjust the image to get just the right amount of softness and perfection. Thus, the action is named “Perfect Soft”.

Besides this action, there are literally thousands and thousands of actions on the Pro4uM. We have been around for over 25 years and there are over 2,000,000 posts on the Pro4uM. By signing up you have full access to all of that information. All of it designed to help you become more successful in your business. You should join our community.

And, for only $15 you just can’t say no.

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