This video was made over 3 years ago. We talk a bit about High School Seniors and a bunch of other subject. Check it out!!! And join our family!
Category: Daily Photography Video | 2015
Back in 2015 Kirk Voclain did a daily photography video for one year. All of the paid members of the really benefited from these videos. It is now 3 years later and we are releasing these videos to the public. Can you imagine how much more information has been shared on the since then?? Kirk’s Daily Photography Video was a huge hit. We hope you enjoy these videos. A new video will be released each day here on our blog and on our Facebook Page. If you are a professional photographer, and you are serious about being the best photographer you can be, do yourself and your career a favor, consider joining The Pro4uM as a paid member.
DIY Gallery Wrap Canvas Print Corners | 04-30-15
In this video I show you exactly how to “WRAP” your own gallery images on canvas. Most important, it shows how to do the corners, which is the hardest part.
This is a way to make a bunch of extra money as you will see that the final product is pretty awesome.
The ACTION that is spoken about in this video is posted on the is you want it. You must be a member.
Join us:
Kirk Live Radio Broadcast | 04-29-15
This video was made over 3 years ago. The “Kirk Radio” worked great for a while, however, it did last from more than a few months. Just as info….so, do not look for this in the current time.
The Live Broadcast is posted on the Pro4uM.
Working for “Exposure” | 04-28-15
What does this mean??? There are just so many photographers out there these days. And with that, there are companies that offer to pay for professional photography with only the promise of more work because of the good exposure you will get. CRAZY…..
There are just so many crazy things that we learn on the Pro4uM…join us.
Photographers who are Just Starting Out | 04-27-15
In this video we talk to the “Just Starting Out” photographers. You are in a unique situation right now. You have a huge decision to make. Are you going to do professional photography full time? What are your goals?
We have all stages of professional photographers on the Pro4uM. Join our family.
Photography is a Luxury | 04-26-15
What we do as professional photographers is a total luxury!!! You do not eat it, you do not need it as clothing, and you do not need it as shelter. Thus, it is NOT a necessity!!! So, how do we make a living as a photographer????
Join our family of photographers from all over the world.
Making a Living Outside of Seniors, Weddings, Children and Families | 04-25-15
In this video, we are talking about the concept of making a living as a professional photographer with out ever selling a single print. Is that possible? How could we do that? What are some of the angles we could look at to make a living????
What if you never did Seniors, Children, Weddings, and Families? How could you also make a living?
This video was made over 3 years ago and it’s funny how “prophetic” this video has become!
Check it out and then join our family of professional photographers on the
Most Embarrassing Moment | 04-24-15
This is a funny video…..true story!!! My most ever Embarrassing Moment of all times…..I have told this story at many of the seminars that I have taught over the years.
So many funny stories and times we have spent together on the Pro4uM!!!! You really should join our family…..
Dream Photo Session | 04-23-15
In this video I talk about my “Dream Photo Session”…haha….I try to make every session I do my Dream Shoot.
I do also talk about my “DREAM” photography job. Many of us have the same dream. So many on the Pro4uM are just “Living the Dream”…..why not join our family!
My Mentors | 04-22-15
In this video I talk about all of the professional photographers who have influenced me over the year. So many people and so many have helped me along the way.
We have talked about and examined all of these photographers on the Pro4uM. You should join our family!