Personality In Advertising | 02-08-15

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Your personality should show up in your advertising. Kirk has a big personality and it shows up in his advertising. In the photography world, people like to be photographed by fun photographers. So make sure your personality shows up in your advertising.

Short and to the point messages like this are all over the Pro4uM. We would love to have you as one of our members. Join today!

Cross Promotions | 02-07-15

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I was thinking about advertising. I was thinking specifically free advertising. I recently did this with a local company that produces a magazine. I was allowed to write an article about modeling and what a model wants and this article was put into the magazine. This then evolved to the point where the company promoted me and my photography. What I then did was I made some cards and promoted their business to all of my high school seniors. Thus we generated business for each other. Of course this is called “Cross Promotion”.

This then got me to start thinking about a nice product that H&H Color Lab offers. They have these really nice plastic cards that can be used as gift cards. What I’m thinking about is taking these cards and making a whole cross promotion with other business. They have cards, I have cards, and then we could give these to our customers and the whole promotion could then be really positive for the both of us. Thus that would get both of us extra business.

Ideas like this are always promoted and discussed on the Pro4uM and dissected. We then work out all the kinks and then we figure out what is the best way to do the promotion. Then everyone has great marketing ideas. We want your input on these awesome ideas. So please consider joining the Pro4uM and becoming a part of our family.

The Pro4uM has over 2,000,000 posts from thousands and thousands of photographer over the last 25 year. You will not be disappointed.

Art | 02-06-15

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Let’s talk ART. Let’s be specific, Photography Art. A pro photographer that I recently looked at his “Art” was being sold for over $70,000. To me this is amazing. The question is how do you get to this point as a photographer, as an “Artist”.

We regularly discuss all kinds of subjects like this on the Pro4uM. Our goal on the Pro4uM is to help professional photographers grow and become the best at what we do.

Please join our little family.

A Customers Perspective | 02-04-15

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This is an interview with a friend who does not buy photography. It is a way to take a look from the perspective of a client. What is the number one reason someone will hire a photographer. How does the average client go about finding a photographer. What is the number one thing that is most important to clients. Then, what is the number 2 thing of importance and then number 3. This is a huge amount of incite into the mind of someone who admits that he does not hire our services. Very cool and very interesting.

This video was released on the Pro4uM over 3 years ago. The incite it provides has giving Pro4uM members a huge edge over their competition. Can you imagine what we have been doing since then?

Why not join our community of professional photographers from all over the world.

How To Make – DIY – A Photo Booth | 02-03-15

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Have you ever wondered how to make a Photo Booth that you can use in your business? Here is my Kirk Voclain Photography PhotoBooth System!!!! If you need some extra money….it’s just way cool!!! The Photo Booth has been around for some time. But because of DIGITAL and the abilities that we have, owning your own Photo Booth is a snap. You may actually find that you already have all of the parts necessary to have one right now in your studio.

As professional photographers we just love Do It Yourself, DIY, projects. We love the tinkering and setting up. It’s part of our DNA! So, enjoy this little video and you will have your own Photo Booth Soon.

This video and many, many like it was released on the many many years ago. If you would like to get all the specs and list of things you need, just join up on the Pro4uM and get the list.

The Pro4uM has been around for almost 25 years. We have over 2,000,000 posts on the Pro4uM. Our goal is to help you become successful. There is an enemy to our great profession. That enemy is all of the cheap cell phones, and cheap digital camera where everyone thinks they are a professional photographer. We know that being a professional is much, MUCH more than just snapping a picture. Being a professional is SERVICE and helping your clients.

That is our goal on the Pro4uM. We offer you an edge with information, and ideas, like this DIY Photo Booth Idea. Imagine you could interact with all of the photographers at a Professional Photography Convention. EVERYONE. That is what being on the Pro4uM is all about. It is EVERYONE helping EVERYONE becoming the best they can be.

Let us help you and your business to be all that it can be. Join our family. Join our community of shakers and movers in the great professional photography industry.

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Stay Caught Up | 02-02-15

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Simple and quick message today. “STAY CAUGHT UP”…..this is very important. Important to your business and important to your clients. I know it allows happens…but you can do different things to stay caught up. You could get up early in the morning or stay late. The bottom line is do it, stay focused and it will add to your success.

This message was released over 3 years ago on the Pro4uM. Can you imagine what we have been talking about since then? We have over 2,000,000 posts!!! Why not join our little family and help your business to succeed.



Your Plan Follow Up | 02-01-15

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So we have been making a movie a day for a month now. Go back through the movies I have made for the last month. You have been watching these movies for 30 days. Are you making a difference for this year? WELL…often the problem is NOT THE PLAN…but failure to DO THE PLAN! So this video is a way for you to take a long look at yourself and make sure YOU are doing your plan.

Sure, this movie was made back in 2015 over 3 years ago, but the message is OH SO GOOD! This video was released on the Pro4uM way back in 2015! Can you imagine what we have been talking about since then? You should consider joining our little community of Professional Photographers. This is EXACTLY what you need in your business, accountability! Someone to push you out of your comfort zone and into profitability!

Join us today!

Pro4uM Forums:



Canvas Gallery Wrap Templet | 01-31-15

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Cool Trick…..making and selling Canvas Gallery Wraps. The file that I talk about is available on the Pro4uM, free for download. The Pro4uM has a whole bunch of things like this available for download. Things like Photoshop Actions, Templets, Price Lists, etc. Why not consider joining our family of Professional Photographers from all over the world.

In this video I show you how you can make a visual gallery wrap to show and then sell Canvas Gallery Wraps to your customers. Customers will respond better to products that they can visually see. It is even better if what they are seeing is something that you did of them.

Ideas like this one flow on the Pro4uM like water. We have over 2,000,000 posts over the last almost 25 years of existence. Why not take advantage of the “Beginning of the Year” specials that we are running right now.

Go here:

Big Phone | 01-30-15

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Not all of my Daily Videos were perfect back over 3 years ago. Some were pretty silly….like this one. I look back now and wonder, WHAT WAS I THINKING???? HAHA!!!!

Not everything on the Pro4uM is 100% serious…we do get silly from time to time. Come join our little family of professional photographers and have some fun with us.