What is your Niche | 03-02-15

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This video was released over 3 years ago on the Pro4uM. It was a project to create and post a video every day. The message is about your “Niche”.

As a professional photographer we have to have a “Niche”. What is yours???? What is it about you that makes you so special? If your answer is “I don’t know” then you REALLY, REALLY need to join the Pro4uM. We can help you identify your “Niche”…this is the first step in becoming a super successful professional photographer.

We have photographers from all over the world who are interested in your success. Why not join our little community of professional photographers.


My Wedding Anniversary | 02-28-15

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This video was released over 3 years ago on the Pro4uM. It was part of a project to post a new video every day for a whole year. I actually did it and we are re-releasing this series to the public 3 years later.

This video give you a bit of a glimpse into the fun world of those who are members of the Pro4uM. If you are a professional photographer and you would like to be part of the best group of other professional photographers anywhere, then join our community.


Making Lemonade When Life Gives You Lemons | 02-27-15

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From time to time, life will send you lemons….if you get that then you have to make Lemonade!!!! This video was released over 3 years ago on the Pro4uM….watch the video…..you gotta do what you gotta do from time to time!!!!

Learning how to make Lemonade is key to being successful in business. That is what the Pro4uM is all about!

Join our family. https://pro4um.com


Conversation with Shannon Matson | 02-26-15

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This is an interview with Shannon Matson. Back just over 3 years ago, she was the Artist of the Month on the Pro4uM. This interview was a way for us to get to know Shannon better and to know more about her. Watch this video to get more insight into her and her business. The more you can know about another photographer, then the more you can learn from them.

The Pro4uM is all about learning from each other and become better and better! Our goal on the Pro4uM is to have THE BEST photographers on the planet all learning from each other.

If you feel you are THE BEST, why not join our little community of professional photographers from all over the world. We want you in and we want you on the Pro4uM!!!!



Selling Video Products | 02-24-15

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In this time of professional photography, almost every DSLR camera does video. We should be taking advantage of this extra feature that is part of our camera systems.

It could be something simple like short 10-15 second clips to help people with their business, or other areas.

In this video we talk about pricing video and other ways that we can use this medium as an added source of income.

It is our goal on the Pro4uM to help you improve in your business. If you are good then the Pro4uM is good. Why not join our little community of professional photographers from all over the world.


Dumbing Up Your Photography | 02-22-15

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This is crazy….where has the quality of professional photography gone??? I used to tell people to look at magazines to see what people their clients are used to looking at. I’m in the mall in this video and I’m looking at the images in the windows. It is HORRIBLE!!!!

It appears that the corporations are Dumbing Up their photography to more closely match what people are seeing on their cell phones. Could it be that we have to do the same if we are going to compete?

It always amazes me how people will hire photographers that barely know which end of the camera to look through to do something as precious as a wedding. But MAYBE this is why!

Deep, thinking like this id done on a regular basis on the Pro4uM. Our goal is to not only survive in this great industry but to thrive. So why not join our family of professional photographers from all over the world.


Adobe Photoshop Actions | 02-21-15

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Let’s talk about Adobe Photoshop Actions. You really need to learn to use them. But more than that, you need to learn to “Make” them! On the Pro4uM we have thousands and thousands of Photoshop Actions that other photographers have uploaded over the year.

A Photoshop Action is like an old time VCR that you used to click “Record” on when you wanted to record a program on TV. A Photoshop Action is exactly like that. If you catch yourself doing the same thing over and over again in Photoshop, click “RECORD” on your “ACTIONS” pallet and make an action. That way, the next time you go to do that sequence of steps, all you have to do is hit play.

NEXT, assign an “F” key to that action so all you then do is hit that “F” key on your keyboard and the action will run. To assign an F key, open up the action pallet and double click the action. This is where you then assign that F key.

So many photographers use ACTIONS. On the Pro4uM we have had ACTION exchanges, where everyone contributes actions and everyone get’s to download all the actions contributed. We have had ACTION REQUESTS….where you ask for something to be done and then someone creates the action for you.

With over 2,000,000 posts on the Pro4uM, a substantial part of that is Adobe Photoshop Actions!!!!! We even have a whole section on the Pro4uM devoted just to Actions.

So, if you have been thinking about joining, here is a HUGE reason to sign up. Many do just that. They sign up on the Pro4uM, download a bunch of actions and then read a bunch of posts. If that is you…..now is the time to join our little community of professional photographers from all over the world.

Pro4uM site: https://pro4um.com
Pro4uM Forums (where the Actions are): https://forum.pro4um.com


Advertising | 02-20-15

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It is important that you advertise your business. An example is Google. Back in the day, we used to send thousands and thousands of dollars on yellow page advertising. Why do we not do the same with something like Google? I have started doing this and it has been paying off huge dividends!!!!

There are so many other advertising concepts and ways to get the word out about your business. Many of them are actually free. When we discuss things on the Pro4uM, it is always focused on how we can make each other better. That is why we have over 2,000,000 posts from photographers from all over the world. YOU SHOULD JOIN!


Be Nice | 02-19-15

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This is such a simple thing, “BE NICE”. It is just something, for some reason that we do not always do! Let’s face it, we are in the People Business, Professional Photographers interact with people. If you are nice, humble, kind, and fun, well then, people will be attracted to you and your company.

So, message for the day is just BE NICE. It has been said so many times, if they like the Photographer, they like the Photography. So to achieve that goal, just “Be Nice”.

This simple yet powerful message was released over 3 years ago on the Pro4uM.com. Those who are members have been benefiting from this type of message and literally millions of others for over 25 years. Why not consider becoming a member of our community of Professional Photographers from all over the world.
